Australia's five-time World Champion Sarah Fitz-Gerald has been returned unopposed as Vice President of the World Squash Federation.

Fitz-Gerald was originally elected to the role in 2016 and will serve a second term in the role after holding her spot at the WSF AGM held in Cairo, Egypt.

Squash Australia CEO Richard Vaughan says it's great to have such a high profile Australian as part of the WSF panel.

"With squash's hopeful Olympic inclusion confirmed in 2019 it is essential Australia has a voice at the world body," Vaughan said.

"We see Sarah's appointment, along with a number of individuals on key commissions, as a way we can continue to both help guide the sport in the right Olympic direction and ensure Australia has a key position in that progress."

American Peter Lasusa, former Chairman of US Squash, joins the board, replacing Irishman Gar Holohan in a Vice President role.

The Federation AGM, with 45 nations represented and superbly hosted by the Egyptian Squash Federation, was presided over by President Jacques Fontaine, and also dealt with formal business. This included amendments to the Articles of Association (reinforcing safeguarding policy); adopting updated World Squash Anti-Doping Rules; reducing the general warm-up period before the start of matches from five minutes to four minutes; Forward Plan and accounts.

Closing the meeting, Fontaine said: "Squash is united to move forward to see the sport flourish, and achieve an Olympic Games place in Paris in 2024. I devote myself to both these objectives."

The preceding day had seen the important wide-ranging WSF Conference where delegates heard about and discussed such topics as the squash bid for a place on the Paris 2024 Olympic Games Programme, and an updated strategic outline - both in partnership with the Professional Squash Association (PSA).

Other topics included the review into the delegate voting formula at AGMs; updates on general areas of activity such as World Squash Officiating, Coach Education and Championships, amongst others.


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