High-performance athletes typically make a lot of sacrifices for their sport in all areas including family, education, finances, and sometimes even their bodies. Their lives are usually jam-packed with strict routines, intense training and busy competition schedules with the ongoing aim of achieving their dreams. With their social lives, support systems and even off-times focused on their sport you begin to see why an athlete who's spent most of their life living this way can often be overwhelmed when facing the realities of retirement from high-performance sport.

Studies have shown that an athlete's coping mechanisms regarding retirement are directly influenced on choice. If an athlete is pushed to retirement suddenly through deselection or injury, the chance increases exponentially that will experience symptoms of depression and anxiety and a loss of self-identity, just to name a few. There is no guarantee that an athlete that is prepared for retirement won't struggle with the transition, but having the ability to adjust mentally and plan ahead may ease the burden.

As a result, Squash Australia are dedicated to fully preparing elite athletes for their transition into life after sport delivering internal and external value to their business partners. The earlier an athlete prepares for ‘Life after Sport’ the smoother the transition is likely to be.

Through the programme, Squash Australia will ensure that athletes have access to the right resources and tools needed to transition out of their sporting career. The programme empowers high-performance athletes to pursue excellence by helping them plan for their career and life after competitive sport, providing practical and mentoring opportunities in which ever sector they wish to pursue a career.

Recently Lisa Camilleri and Rex Hendrik were funded to attend the Talent Development coach education course in Melbourne. While several players are part of the AIS/Melbourne Business School Leadership course which starts next week in Canberra. Lisa and Zac Alexander have benefitted from work opportunities alongside their playing career at Squash Australia and a number of players are developing as National Junior coaches.

This programme marks a significant expenditure by Squash Australia in our athletes to ensure they have a future after sport and for those that wish to stay with squash, that they are as qualified as possible to work and develop the next Australian World Champion Squash player.

Athletes and coaches are encouraged to contact Squash Australia to learn more about athlete eligibility requirements and services available under programme

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